dialpad mobile

Dialpad Mobile


Dialpad launched iOS and Android apps in 2014 and hadn’t iterated on the design since. Both mobile apps accounted for less than 5% of daily usage. 


As the only mobile designer on the team, I did a full visual and UX redesign of both native apps.


Usage for both apps increased by 64%. The redesign proved to be both flexible and scalable as the team added new features. 



Dialpad enables modern workers to add a business phone number to their personal phones – without sacrificing work-life balance. In its first form, the app was purely meant to replace a desk phone and desktop chat. Before my tenure at Dialpad, the product evolved to include a variety of robust new features but the mobile app had not kept up with the changes .

Worsening the problem, the app itself had usability and accessibility issues. Users reported not being able to figure out how to accomplish basic tasks. Approaching the redesign with our modern worker user base in mind, I knew I had to optimize for usability, efficiency, and scalability.

Wireframing and user testing

First, I created a high-level user journey map to influence the information architecture and user flows. Then I wireframed the navigation to reflect the updated IA and user flows. While wireframing, I used existing design conventions from Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines and Google’s Material Design to enforce user recognizability while keeping design and engineering build as straightforward as possible. 

Because our scrappy startup did not have dedicated user experience researchers, I ran user tests on low-fidelity prototypes to validate the new information architecture and user flows. As I solidified my low-fidelity direction, I presented weekly updates to the CEO, VP of Product and product team for feedback.


Shipping and iteration

To ship a full redesign of both apps, I worked with my product manager and mobile engineering team to segment the redesign into milestones. To determine the prioritization of milestones, I used an effort to impact decision matrix. Using this process, we were able to ship all the milestones without pushing back the project deadline.

Due to Dialpad’s rapid growth and new user needs, I added many features into the apps after shipping the initial redesign. Within the next few months, the product evolved to include team lines, call center lines, Salesforce integration and Voice AI technology. As features were added, I swayed the design team to adopt a mobile-first design approach. Using the mobile-first model, I designed and shipped net-new mobile features, like filtering. After receiving successful mobile analytics data on the new filtering component, the team designed and shipped it for desktop.
